Working with QXTN

QXTN and its subsidury “” have a number of customer-facing tools to assist customers value-add sell to their clients. Services designed for customer use include

Usernames and passwords to these facilities will be granted on completion of appropriate induction procedures and where necessary, completion of a NDA.

Billing Options

Billing is completed monthly 14 days before the month with all invoices due before the start of month. Services such as private links are billed per service per month as per the contract terms (see attached private link proforma). Virtual servers and associated services are billed per month. Please refer to the table below for billing options.

All billing issues should be emailed to – this creates a Helpdesk ticket for prompt action.

Billing Options

Service Type

Billing Options

Direct Debit Discount


Per item

Per environment

Private IP Link

Fixed contract terms

Virtual Servers

Fixed & Flexible contract Terms

Cloud Servers

Miscellaneous Services


(by Negotiation)

Per environment billing is where the allocated resources of a series of servers is charged, rather than charging per server instance.

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